Elec Show
20:33:00 | Author: Amzar-Ayah Azi

The International Consumer Electronics Show
Usually held every January in Las Vegas, the International Consumer Electronics Show is a trade-show not open to the general public. Previews of products and new consumer electronic products are introduced

Sneak Peak at the International Consumer Electronics Show

Written by tatiana on Jan-8-09 5:59am

It's that time of the year again, when adults gather in Las Vegas to totally geek out over yet to be released gadgets. Yup, the International Consumer Electronics Show is in town and runs Thursday through Sunday. This year's show features over 2,700 exhibitors and expects over 130,000 attendees, making the show the largest gathering for the consumer electronics industry.

Unfortunately the trade-show, which regularly features product releases and new product announcements, isn't open to the general public, but we've got a sneak peak of a few of the gadgets on display this year. CES has had a number of revolutionary technologies debut on their exhibition floor like the Xbox (2001), DVD players (1996), the CD Player (1981), Pong by Atari (1975) and the VCR (1970).

Although at first glance it doesn't look like much, what's actually on display here is a pair of Powermat wireless charging transmitters. Yes that's right, these devices are simultaneously being charged just by sitting on top of these mats. Doesn't technology totally blow your mind?

If you live in a state that has legally banned talking on your cell phone in your car, this little gadget might be your next best friend. This is a solar-powered, hand free, Bluetooth car kit speakerphone by LG Electronics. It runs for about $100 and aside from being totally useful, it features noise cancellation and one hour of talk time for every two hours of sunlight.

Let's listen in to what Samsung's Scott Birnbaum is saying about the company's latest technology. "This giant cat wallpaper will not only revolutionize wallpapers as we know it, but it's pretty darn cute to don't you think? Personally, I like its little button nose." But seriously, this is Samsung's LCD panel 46'' TV with a 7.33 mm bezel, apparently the world's smallest bezel in an LCD display.

This fancy device by Novint Technologies is the world's first three-dimensional touch controller and if you're a gamer, the next thing to hog up all of your free desk space.

Called the Pacemaker, this is obviously not actually a pacemaker. Designed by Swedish company Tonium, this is a portable mixer, which allows the owner to DJ anywhere at anytime. Included is a 60 GB hard drive, cross fader and the ability to upload mixes to the Internet.

Source: zimbio.com

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